Is this supposed to play throughout the night? Because mine only plays for like 30 min, i changed the settings to "sleep" instead of "awaken"
Is this supposed to play throughout the night? Because mine only plays for like 30 min, i changed the settings to "sleep" instead of "awaken"
I fell asleep quickly and slept soundly all night. This app truly does work if you open your mind to it. Indispensable!
But does help me sleep like a baby! Have used this just about every night for about a month. Hasnt changed my mentality about eating at all.
It really works but you have to allow the thought change. I go on about my day and those words pop up in my head an I embrace them and repeat them. Now when I Get a craving its for something nutritious and colorful!
I bought this app on Oct 4, 2011 because I heard them talking about it on the radio. (joking about it not advertising). But at this point I was desperate. No matter what I tried I couldnt lose weight. The first 2 weeks nothing happened but I figured I have nothing to lose so I kept with it. Now its been almost 2 months and I have lost 9 lbs. I eat 5 times a day and as strange as it sounds I look forward to eating a snack of celery and carrots. I still every now and then will take a bit of a cake or brownie but I dont enjoy them as much as I use to. So I figure why eat it and I stop. I never review apps but Im so happy with this one I just had to write!
This app is exactly like the one on relaxation with Andrew. Granted he has a soothing rhythmic voice but the advertisement said this app would motivate people to lose weight. I fell asleep but I already have an app with Andrew on that!! How do I get a refund??
But I wish I could stay awake long enough to listen to more than "my Name is Andrew Johnson". I KID YOU NOT. Thats ALL I hear and Im OUT COLD. Maybe Im just tired. Lol. I sure hope this app works subliminally. Im going to set it to repeat tonight for a few hours. I lost 33 lbs last year and I want to lose another 25 this year. I also have his deep sleep app and his free Relax app. Love them all. Sure wish he had either a podcast or a package price for all his apps. Id buy it instead of paying $3/app. Nevermind. Hes got a couple audiobooks. I may buy them too. :-)
I looked at myself in a christmas picture . I could Not believe how heavy I became. I could not get myself to work out. Who wants to work out after working a jackhammer all day. I needed motivation. So I download three apps. This one the get fit app and a calorie counter. You have to do a steady 23 days for it to work. Dont blame the app if you dont follow it through. Well Im now working out 35 pounds lighter. Im watching my calories. You do not have short change yourself on what you want to eat just how much You eat in a day. On good days I reward myself and on bad day I dont.
This app has really helped me with my cravings! I have lost 19lbs since the beginning of the year! Well worth the money and is under priced in my opinion!
I just recently bought this and already I crave food less, but 3 days isnt long enough to validate it.
Ok, this app is bad for me because it doesnt fit my way of eating. I wish he wouldnt use "stop eating those greasy, fatty foods" type talk. Im okay with the down with sugar lines, but fat and meat are important in my low carb way. I lost several lbs with this app, but then I went low carb and lost 60. So, what do YOU think works better? I really wish this would mesh with my way of eating.
I lost no weight. The guy remained me of the fat guy from Austin Powers.
Trust me, this thing works. I tried others but for some reason this is the only one that worked. To this day every time I am offered empty calorie desserts I literally hear him "in the back of my mind" saying how icky the "sickly sweet, sugary, salty" snacks are and I think "Yuck!" and turn away. The results? (Along with exercising with a Kinect game) was 50 pounds weightloss. For $3 having a Scottish-sounding conscience keeping you from eating crap is worth every penny. ;0)
LOVE this app!! My husband and I have been using this for just under a week. 2 pounds down. Im not hungry, I dont grab sweets or chips. I have been using this at night with my husband and then I use it again during my lunch break before I eat. It gives me a little pick me up in the middle of the day! Cant say enough. Well worth $3.
Open up your mind to this and it will work for you. Ive really noticed that my relationship with food has changed especially during the holiday season when Im bombarded with cookies and treats. Ive noticed that I naturally select the healthier choices. Good luck everyone!
I love this app! It relaxes me and puts me to bed!
Most of the time Andrew Johnsons voice in this app is soothing and pleasant. But a sentence will go like this: "Its time to STOP eating all that oily greasy unhealthy food." The "STOP" is very loud compared to the rest. It feels like hes yelling at me. I think compassion, support, and caring would work better to get people to examine their eating habits. The STOP startles me at times, other times it just sets my teeth on edge. The worst: I have Deep Sleep, which has been great for occasional insomnia. Andrew Johnson is the narrator for that one, too. Now it doesnt work as well as it used to. I keep expecting him to yell "GO TO SLEEP." I need a new sleep app. Bummer.
It works! Please mention more about carbohydrate.
I made a small investment and this app will make my sleep and my mind more focused in my weight loss goals.
One reviewer said since she started listening to this app she hasnt needed to take her sleeping medication. Let me second that. No Lunesta so far for me. If this app can help me with my cravings as well as get me off some of my meds...then this is a total life changer for me. And when you factor in the cost of prescriptions and food and the amount of money they cost these days, this could be the best $3 I have ever spent. I will check back in later and let you know how it is going.